Sunday 5 April 2015


So what would be you ROI (Return on investment) with social media and online marketing. Well you can get 'like, know and trust' factor with social media and internet marketing. To do it in the newspaper, you'd have to come out with a column, that's printed every week or run an ad every week. It's going to cost you say $1000 or whatever. It's ridiculously expensive. Whereas the internet, you can have someone come to your website, for say $1. They enter their name and email address, they get your free video, eg 7 things to know before you buy or 15 questions to ask a listing agent or whatever it is you happen to give them. They're then in your system and they've only cost you $1.
You have their information, they know you, they've seen you on video. You can contact them anytime by email automatically and help them.

The more you help them, the more they are going to buy from you and the more they will refer you.
I think it's a very very beneficial media to use and its very very cheap and it's measurable.
So you can actually say, I spent $100 this week on traffic to my website and I got 50 people to put their hands up and say I'm interested in buying. So you know that would cost $2 per person to get.

Whereas if you run a newspaper advertisement, with a picture and a slogan - You've got no idea.You can't measure it!!


Whether this is your first home or fourth, understanding your mortgage and how it works is crucial. After all, it’ll probably be the biggest loan of your life!

What is a Mortgage?
In simple language, mortgage is a loan to buy a property. The process of securing a mortgage means lender approval based on your income, credit rating and other debt.

Understand Your Fixed Costs
Before you decide what you can—or should—spend on a mortgage, it’s important to take stock of your true fixed costs. Be honest with yourself when putting together your household budget, if you’re going to be miserable without your daily premium cup of coffee, then along with your student debt and car payments, consider that a fixed cost.

Be PITH Safe
According to the CHMC (Canadian Housing & Mortgage Corporation), your monthly housing costs should be less than 32% of your gross monthly income. These are considered your PITH or Principle and Interest (of your mortgage payments), Property Tax, and Heating bills.

Get A Mortgage You Can Afford
If you pass the PITH test, the second test of what you can afford mortgage-wise is that your entire monthly debt load (car payments, credit card debt, student loans, etc) should be less than 40% of your gross monthly income. 

Paying Off Your Mortgage
Once you’re approved for a mortgage and bought your home (congratulations!), now you have to actually start paying off the loan. There are several factors involved in this like your interest rate, payment schedule (monthly, twice a month, every two weeks, or weekly) and your amortization period, which is the amount of time you’ve selected to pay back the mortgage (usually ranging from 15-25 years).

Picking The Right Interest Rate
The interest rate at which you select to pay off your mortgage varies from “fixed”—whereby the rate will NOT change for the term of the mortgage, and is generally a bit higher but considered more stable, or “variable” whereby the interest rate can fluctuate with the current state of the market.

This presentation can be helpful for those who are looking forward
to pursue their career in Real Estate.
In order to provide good services to the customers, you must know
what they expect from you and keep upto it.

The actual graph you're riding is the inflation adjusted value of a house in Vancouver BC
based on data collected by Royal LePage and calculated by the UBC Centre for 
Urban Economics and Real Estate.

Fill in the Survey to have a Real Estate experience
Create your own user feedback survey

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Hello Readers,

I'm Sukhani Singh, studying in University of the Fraser Valley in Canada. I will be posting articles in my blog, on the topic that I'm most interested in and I hope that many of you would find it interesting too!

I'll be posting the updates on fluctuations in land prices, apartments, Multi-family house, Terraced house, Condominium, Semi-detached dwellings, Duplex etc. It will help you to read the market value of different regions, city and towns which would further assist in you decision of investing on Real Estate.

I would be doing a continuous research which would help me in predicting the suitable time periods on making a purchase or selling off a property. Further there'll be detailed discussion on mortgage prices and interest rates being offered by different banks.

I am just here to make you life easy and help you with all the difficult questions and do the research for you!