Sunday 5 April 2015


So what would be you ROI (Return on investment) with social media and online marketing. Well you can get 'like, know and trust' factor with social media and internet marketing. To do it in the newspaper, you'd have to come out with a column, that's printed every week or run an ad every week. It's going to cost you say $1000 or whatever. It's ridiculously expensive. Whereas the internet, you can have someone come to your website, for say $1. They enter their name and email address, they get your free video, eg 7 things to know before you buy or 15 questions to ask a listing agent or whatever it is you happen to give them. They're then in your system and they've only cost you $1.
You have their information, they know you, they've seen you on video. You can contact them anytime by email automatically and help them.

The more you help them, the more they are going to buy from you and the more they will refer you.
I think it's a very very beneficial media to use and its very very cheap and it's measurable.
So you can actually say, I spent $100 this week on traffic to my website and I got 50 people to put their hands up and say I'm interested in buying. So you know that would cost $2 per person to get.

Whereas if you run a newspaper advertisement, with a picture and a slogan - You've got no idea.You can't measure it!!

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